

A Message From Our Chairman, Dr. Peter Venkman

Ghostbusters International is a close knit family of hard working, tax paying citizens who have come together for the common good, the investigation and elimination of troublesome supernatural phenomenon.

It’s a tough job, but somebody has to be incredibly well paid to do it!

Dr. Venkman, PhD

Groups of Two or More

1. Put together your official Ghostbusters International uniforms. Khaki is a real classic. Gray and navy blue are also classics.

  • If you’re saving to buy what you need for your uniform or you just don’t trust the Slime Stain Defender™, (30 + years later and we sure don’t!) you can use any artistic or creative means to put together a Ghostbusters uniform.
  • We also wrote this handy uniform guide to Suit you.

2. Build your equipment.

  • If you don’t foresee a proton pack, etc in your immediate future or you just always hated that part of the business, you can use any artistic or creative means to build your equipment.

3, Once you and your ghostbusting staff have been assembled, take pictures of yourselves or use any artistic means to show off your uniforms and gear.

4. Come up with a name for your Ghostbusters franchise. Here at Ghostbusters International we suggest a specific location title instead of a general one. For example, instead of “Ghostbusters, New York” which encompasses the entire state. (leaving little to no room for future franchises in that state) we suggest you name it for the region of the state, city, providence, or other area you serve. “Manhattan Ghostbusters” works well because it lets you know what area of there state they serve, and also leaves plenty of room for other franchises in the state.

5. Create a business website that showcases the stuff you did in the previous steps.



GBI Field Agency Requirements

1. There are many resources to make quality uniforms and elimination equipment.

  • If you’re saving to buy what you need for your uniform or you just don’t trust the Slime Stain Defender™, (over 30 + years later and we sure don’t!) you can use any artistic or creative means to put together a Ghostbusters uniform.

2. Build a web page. This basic one page (at least) site should contain information about you, your equipment and pictures showing off you skills as a Ghostbuster.

  1. Tip! Place an advertisement for area ‘busters to join up with you. This will allow you to easily expand to full franchise status if and when you con, um ask your friends and relatives to suit up and bust with you.

3. When you have a uniform and equipment, take pictures of yourself or use any artistic means to show off your uniform and gear.

The above are a modified version of the main franchise joining requirements. Ghostbusters International survives because of it franchises. If it becomes too easy to be an agent then we lose the backbone of GBI, the hard working individuals who follow in our footsteps to create a self sufficient professional paranormal investigation and elimination business.

In other words, if you only become a Field Agent we don’t get paid. That makes Dr. Venkman and Louis Tully very unhappy and you don’t want to upset and disturb poor Dr. Venkman, do you? And let’s face it. Louis is under enough stress as it is, too.


14 thoughts on “Franchising

    1. Patrick,
      Please provide the name of your franchise, what state, (if outside the US, provide country) and your franchise web address. We’ll add it to our world wide list of Ghostbusters locations.

      Richard Roy

    1. PGBs,
      Thank you for providing your information. Phoenix Ghostbusters has been part of our Locations on our Southwest (US) page.

      Richard Roy

  1. What other things need to be taken into consideration when starting a franchise, i.e. liability insurance?

  2. We are looking to be added to the list please. We have a few events under our belt including Relay for Life, Clay Hill Elementary’s fundraiser, AMVets Post 86’s premature baby fundraiser, and are members of Clay County Cruzers that help raise funds to give high school students paid scholarships. We have two “mobile ghost containment units”, a station wagon Ecto-1, a truck Ecto-1, various uniforms, and props. We are attending a Ghostbusters themed birthday party this weekend for a family out of the Jacksonville, FL area. We found out that they contacted two other Ghostbuster groups in our area, including Ghostbusters of Middleburg. For various reasons the two groups had politely declined. The family mentioned that they just lucked up in finding us on Facebook. Hence we would like to be added to your site, as local word of mouth can only go so far when this was from a family two towns over. Thank you.

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